
Ricard Fernández

In charge of hiking activities

Degree in Geological Sciences from the University of Barcelona.
Postgraduate courses in Spiritual Meanings and  Values ​​of Nature and Therapeutic Forests by the Fundació Universitat de Girona. He also collaborates as a coach.

Montsant Natural Park Good Connoisseur Guide accreditation.

With more than thirty years of guiding experience, he has been climbing the mountains since 1977. In 1981 he learned the art of climbing in Montserrat mountain, an activity that has taken him to climb in the Pyrenees, Alps, and  Dolomites walls. He has climbed renowned mountains in Africa, Bolivia, Argentina or Patagonia.    Chulu W expedition member, in the Annapurna massif, has made trekkings in South America, Patagonia, the Himalayas, Kenya, and New Zealand. In 2014 joined an expedition to Broad Peak (8047 m).

Ricard Fernández is a Mountain Leader guide, number 893 AEGM member, ECAM member, and number 16400 of the Catalonia Generalitat Sports Professionals Register. It also has UIMLA accreditation, the only one that recognizes Mid-Mountain technicians to work outside Spain.

Member of the team of the program "El Pont de Mahoma" of Tarragona Ràdio, the oldest broadcast in Spain dedicated exclusively to the world of the mountain.

Cavall Bernat Group board member, an association that wants to join all those climbers who have ever climbed the most emblematic needle of Montserrat.

"Que bonica és la Muntanya" book writer (with drawings by Xavier Lamas) and collaborator with fiction and humor stories in the magazine "Extrem" among others, Montserrat represents for him a paradigm of everything that is found in the mountain.

En Ritchie ens va fer descobrir TOT el què és Montserrat de moltíssimes formes que ni tan sols imaginàvem, desde punts de vista variadíssims! I amb un saber i una sensibilitat fora del comú, mostrant un domini absolut del territori i un gran amor per la seva feina. Vam fer una ruta literària per la muntanya en una ocasió, i una excursió meravellosa de tot un dia per Tebes i la Tebaida. Increïble el què vaig aprendre! També ens va dur al Congost de Fraguerau al Montsant, una altra experiència digna de ser viscuda. És un gran coneixedor de tota la geografia catalana (no només!). Un gran professional per deixar-se portar on sigui! Gràcies, RitchieLali Badosa
Cesc Claramunt

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